- Scientific Name: *Stipa veneta Moraldo
- Priority species of All. II and IV of Directive 92/43/CEE.
- Included in: European Red List of Vascular Plants (EN); IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (EN); Lista
Rossa Flora Italiana (EN) (Italian Red List of Flora); Lista Rossa Regionale (EN) (Regional red list). - Conservation status at national level (Continental biogeographical region): BAD (U2), negative trend (ISPRA, 194/2014)
As the risk of extinction is inversely proportional to the size of individual populations, LIFE REDUNE has planted 1.630 individuals of Stipa veneta. The individuals used for the implants are produced from seed in the nursery. This will not only increase the number of individuals but also the genetic variability of the populations, which will guarantee a revitalization of the genetic pool.
Steno-endemic species present in the north-east sector of the consolidated dune systems in Veneto, exclusive to the province of Venice and sites included in this project (Buffa et al., 2016 Red List of vascular plants, Regione Veneto). Only one population is present in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The species’ risk of extinction is very high due to an extremely reduced estimated geographical range (AOO), only 28 km2 and less than 10 largely insulated locations.
The populations are stable, but with less than 250 mature individuals (Lasen, C. & Buffa, G. 2011. *Stipa veneta. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011: e.T162394A5585651). The low number of individuals and strong locations isolation, which makes gene exchange very difficult, contribute to accelerating the spiral of extinction. Furthermore, the primary habitat, represented by xerophile grasslands in habitat 2130 *, is subjected to numerous pressures and threats, both natural (biocenosis evolution) and anthropic (expansion of agriculture and human settlements, tourist infrastructures; trampling, etc.).