A network of stakeholders to protect the Mediterranean maquis

Networking among local stakeholders makes it possible to spread knowledge about the local environment, promote respect for it and, ultimately, protect it. This benefits biodiversity and ecological connectivity, but also the transmission of cultural values and territorial promotion.

Stakeholders in the area can be public administrations but also tourism operators, farms, promotion bodies, local associations and private citizens.


On the one hand, the LIFE REDUNE project is carrying out an action dedicated to the involvement of local stakeholders and, on the other hand, it is weaving a network with other projects in order to explore new opportunities for involvement and avoid the most common difficulties by sharing concrete experiences in other territories.


A good example comes from Sicily.

The Mediterranean Scrub is one of the most important ecosystems on the planet because, despite its modest territorial incidence (2%), it is home to 20% of animal and plant species. The scientific community recognises the Mediterranean scrub as a fundamental element in the fight against environmental pollution that must be protected precisely because of its exposure to significant risks such as fires and progressive desertification.


The initiative of the "Carta dei Comuni Custodi della Macchia Mediterranea" (www.cartamacchiamediterranea.it .) stems from the idea of networking among municipalities, which become "Custodians" of the Mediterranean scrub, committing themselves to elaborate, together with parks and associations, programmes for the protection of the rich naturalistic heritage present, above all, on the Sicilian territory.


The Charter of the Municipalities that are Custodians of the Mediterranean Scrub is therefore a "Pact of Honour" so that the Sicilian territorial and landscape specificities are valorised as well as an invitation to the Union of intents among the different Local Administrations.


On the occasion of the National Day of Trees 2020 also the Municipality of Graniti, the last in chronological order, has adhered to the Charter of the Municipalities that are custodians of the Mediterranean scrub. In fact, the Municipal Council chaired by Mayor Carmelo Lo Monte, with its resolution of 20 November 2020, gave a further strong signal in the direction of sustainability and enhancement of this important ecosystem.


This new adhesion will be a moment of beginning activities with actions of environmental education and sustainability both in the municipal territory, and in collaboration with the neighbouring municipalities that have already adhered and supported the Charter and with one of the associations supporting the project such as ASSOCEA Messina APS (www.ceamessina.it), which has a section and territorial offices in the Alcantara Valley (in Floresta, Castiglione di Sicilia and Giardini-Naxos).


Source: https://www.facebook.com/CartadeiComuniCustodidellaMacchiaMediterranea